Advanced Diploma of
Leadership & Management
65 weeks
Qualification Description
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply specialised knowledge and skills,
together with experience in Leadership and Management, across a range of enterprise and industry contexts.
Individuals at this level use initiative and judgement to plan and implement a range of Leadership and
Management functions, with accountability for personal and team outcomes within broad parameters.
They use cognitive and communication skills to identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources and transfer their knowledge to others, and creative or conceptual skills to express ideas and perspectives or respond to complex problems.
Licensing / Regulatory Information
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Course Details
Course Code: BSB60420
CRICOS Provider: 106044G
Course Title: Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Course Duration: 65 Weeks
Delivery Method: Face to Face
Assessments: Assessment will occur through a variety of methods including projects, incorporating role-plays, case studies and short answer questions.
Entry Requirements
Entry to this qualification is limited to those who:
Have completed a Diploma or Advanced Diploma from the BSB Training Package (current or superseded equivalent versions).
Have two years equivalent full-time relevant workplace experience in an operational or leadership role in an enterprise.
- Student must be at least 18 years old;
- Have completed at least the equivalent of Year 12;
- Are able to demonstrate a level of language, learning and numeracy skills suitable to this course (test to be administered by Centennial College includes Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment and face-to-face/phone interview); or
- are able to provide evidence of an IELTS score of 5.5 or equivalent (test results must be no more than 2 years old) OR
be able to provide any of the following evidence of English language competence
- that they were educated for 5 years in an English speaking country
- that they have successfully completed the College’s Language Literacy and
Numeracy (LLN) Assessment followed by an interview
- that they have successfully completed their Year 12 or equivalent in English language
Unit of Competency
- BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
- BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
- BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation
- BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans
- BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement
- BSBSUS601 Lead corporate social responsibility
- BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
- BSBTEC601 Review organisational digital strategy
- BSBHRM614 Contribute to strategic workforce planning
- BSBFIN601 Manage organisational finances
Fee Information
The course fee is inclusive of the following items
- The learning resources
- Support Services
- Certificate and Statement of Attainment (does not include replacement certificates)
Tuition Fee: $AU 7,500.00
Non-Tuition Fee: $AU 450.00
Estimated Total Course Cost: $AU 7,950.00